から、出力軸1度回転のステップ数 AXIS1_STEPS_PER_DEGREE は
360 / 1.8 * 16 * 720 / 360 = 6400
config.h を下記の部分を書き換えます。
#define PINMAP CNC3 // OFF, Choose from: MksGenL2, MiniPCB2, MaxPCB2, MaxESP3, CNC3, STM32Blue, <-Req'd
#define SERIAL_C_BAUD_DEFAULT ON // OFF, n, ON for ESP32 Bluetooth. Option
#define SERIAL_C_BLUETOOTH_NAME "TsukiTsuki #001" // "On..", Bluetooth device name for ESP32. Option
#define LED_STATUS OFF // ON, Blinks w/sidereal tracking otherwise steady on indicates activity. Option
#define SLEW_RATE_BASE_DESIRED 5.0 // 1.0, n. Desired slew rate in deg/sec. Adjustable at run-time from <-Req'd
#define MFLIP_SKIP_HOME ON // OFF, ON Goto directly to the destination without visiting home position. Option
#define AXIS1_STEPS_PER_DEGREE 6400 // 12800, n. Number of steps per degree: <-Req'd
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_MODEL A4988 // OFF, (See above.) Stepper driver model. <-Often
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS 16 // OFF, n. Microstep mode when tracking. <-Often
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_REVERSE ON // OFF, ON Reverses movement direction, or reverse wiring instead to correct. <-Often
#define AXIS2_STEPS_PER_DEGREE 6400 // 12800, n. Number of steps per degree: <-Req'd
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_MODEL A4988 // OFF, (See above.) Stepper driver model. <-Often
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS 16 // OFF, n. Microstep mode when tracking. <-Often
ビルドして、ESP32ボード(Wemos D1 R32)に書き込みます。